Tag Archives: thirdworldproblems

@$#%& fu*k my life!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted… and to be honest it’s because nothing exciting has happened. Nothing that’s worth sharing at least. I’m sure the world doesn’t care that I finally receive my Amazon package after six long weeks of waiting then being stuck in customs or how excited I am to experiment with matcha green tea powder or how I’m finally mustering up the courage to learn to swim again or how I scored reservations to the top Michelin starred restaurant for my upcoming trip to Singapore…  you catch my drift. 

Anyways Easter was this past Sunday and I have to admit I was a little depressed seeing picture of cute egg hunts and bunny pub crawls all over my Facebook newfeed while it’s just another normal Sunday for me in Kuwait. As sad as it sounds that one thing that I really miss the most about Easter is the candy and the 75% off sale the following day where I shamelessly buy ridiculous amount of Peeps, Reese’s egg and any other egg shaped candy in my way! Yes I know I’m a totally heifer!

TB suggested that we watch a movie and we both agreed on Captain America 2, however, when I went to google movie times I noticed that most of the show times seem shorter in comparison to what I’m use to. So I did a little more googling and realized that most movies had significantly shorter run time because all the movies in Kuwait are censored aka butchered! Why would I pay over $12 to miss out on Chris Evans screen time? As if! 

Apparently Kuwait has one of the strictest censorship policies in the Gulf region which ultimately means no movie date EVER because I refuse to pay full price for a movie ticket only to watch 75% of it. Way to encourage pirating! 


I’m outtie! 

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